
Nicki is the founder of Three Storeys, and has guided the development of the extensive building work, from sketchy floorplans and handmade models, through to the realised vision, as it is today. Nicki has a studio space on our Studio Makers floor, where knitted textiles are her original passion, but you will find her throughout the building, running the show.

Deb is a wearer of many hats at Three Storeys; running the café and lots more, in her role as Business Manager. Deb is the person to go to for enquiries, to make bookings for Storey Book and The Setting…and for a very decent flapjack.

Susie is more off-site than on, but has been our graphic designer from the beginning. Our name and branding began the project, and interiors followed. Now Susie covers our marketing and ongoing design, whilst also running a textile design business from home.